Santa Caterina

SKU: b7f268992183 Categories: ,


Oliva di S. Biagio, Oliva lucchese

(area of origin: TUSCANY)

Tree: Plant of considerable development, very vigorous and with a globular, spreading crown. Elliptical-lanceolate, regular, rather short and light green leaves.

Fruit: Very large (7-9g), ellipsoidal, asymmetrical, with a sub-conical apex and a rounded base. Maturation is precocious; the harvest is carried out towards the beginning of September when the olives always have a beautiful intense green colour.

Agronomic characteristics: Valuable table cultivar; presents a very high female morphological sterility (ovarian abortion) (60-70%). Productivity is good and quite regular. Resistance: excellent to cold and average to cyclone.

Considerations: Excellent table variety, it has also found an important diffusion outside the Mediterranean basin.

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