Bonelli Alviano
Farm and nurseries
Vivai Bonelli Alviano
The origin of our company dates back to 1890, when Angiolo Bonelli, who produced plants and flowers, started to produce olive trees by grafting the varieties on the wild tree originated from the seed. This kind of procedure led Pescia to become the most important center in Italy and Europe for the production of olive trees in nurseries.
Subsequently, 45 years ago, the nurserymen of Pescia began experimenting with the reproduction of the olive tree through spray greenhouses in which olive cuttings taken from mother plants in the already existing grafted varieties were put to root. Operating in this sense, both cuttings and grafting plants were placed on the olive market. Plastic and earthenware pots replaced the traditional clod of straw, simplifying the system for growing, transporting and handling the product.
The nurseries associated with CORIPRO – OLIVI DI PESCIA have been selecting the most important Italian and Mediterranean cultivars for decades to produce a superior quality extra virgin olive oil and the best table olives. The mother plants kept in their nurseries offer a varietal and productive material which is a guarantee appreciated all over the world.

Declaration of the Phytosanitary Service of the Tuscany Region. Results of Xylella fastidiosa monitoring.
Report No. 01 Code PT/09/5161 Issued on 01/30/2016 by the Tuscany Region Phytosanitary Service